The German Aerospace Center (DLR) awards 30 million Euros to XeedQ GmbH for building a unique quantum computer.


XeedQ GmbH wins a 30 million Euros contract from DLR for building a scalable quantum computer by 2026 at the DLR-Innovationszentrum in Ulm, GERMANY.

Quantum computers could solve certain complex problems that conventional computers cannot solve (or cannot solve in a reasonable time) efficiently in terms of energy and cost.

XeedQ GmbH aims to build such a quantum computer, funded by the DLR Quantum computing initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) aims to help in creating a vibrant quantum computing ecosystem in Germany.

XeedQ uses diamond NV spin-based quantum bits (qubits) for its quantum processors. While the company offers a few qubit devices already, Dr Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian, CEO of XeedQ explains: “at the DLR-Innovationzentrum in Ulm we will be developing a novel technology that ensures scaling up of the systems to large enough quantum computing powers while also being simple and practical enough to be compatible for the mass-markets.”

As part of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative, the construction of scalable and error-correctable quantum computers with more than 32 qubits should be complete after four years. “All systems will be integrated and operated in the laboratories of the DLR Innovation Centre in Ulm,” says Robert Axmann, Head of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (QCI). “DLR is building a quantum ecosystem where research, industry and start-ups complement each other. The DLR Quantum Computing Initiative pursues a range of technological approaches in order to evaluate and use them for a wide range of applications.”

The mission of XeedQ is to provide high-quality quantum information processing systems for entrepreneurs and industry partners alike: to innovate and integrate the quantum advantages readily into their products ranging from cutting-edge technologies to even learning quantum programming and algorithm design.

The roadmap is designed such that XQ-series products are released periodically with increasing qubit numbers and performances, with a goal to reach 256 qubits or more by 2026 and to deliver ultra-high quantum powers by 2030.

“This award from DLR is a great opportunity for XeedQ.  We are proud to be part of the DLR Innovation Centre in Ulm and to have the possibility to leverage its scientific resources to develop a scalable quantum computing technology, standardized and ready for industrial-scale production of quantum processors that is made in Germany”, says Jan Sperlich, CCO of XeedQ.

Although it is possible to own a quantum computer, XeedQ’s vision is to make their quantum computing devices affordable enough to be soon on your wish list for Santa! Merry Christmas and a Happy new year from Leipzig, Germany.



Bild: DLR, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0